What Are Pregnancy Symptoms While Breastfeeding?

Have you ever wondered what pregnancy symptoms you may experience while breastfeeding? It’s a common question for many moms who are navigating the beautiful journey of motherhood. In this article, we will explore the various symptoms that can occur during pregnancy while breastfeeding, providing you with helpful insights and answers to your most pressing questions.

From changes in your body to emotional fluctuations, understanding these symptoms can help you embrace and navigate this unique phase of your life with confidence and ease. So, let’s dive into the world of pregnancy symptoms while breastfeeding and discover what you may expect on this remarkable journey.

Types of Pregnancy Symptoms While Breastfeeding

Pregnancy symptoms while breastfeeding can be quite surprising, as many mothers may assume that they cannot get pregnant again while nursing. However, it is important to remember that breastfeeding is not a foolproof method of contraception and that there is still a chance of becoming pregnant. During this time, you may start experiencing various pregnancy symptoms, which can be both exciting and overwhelming. In this comprehensive article, we will explore the different types of pregnancy symptoms that you may experience while breastfeeding and provide helpful information to guide you through this journey.

Breast Changes

One of the earliest and most common pregnancy symptoms is breast changes. Hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy can cause significant changes in your breasts. You might notice that your breasts feel tender or sore to touch. This tenderness may be similar to what you experienced during your previous pregnancy or when breast-feeding your first child. Additionally, your breasts may become larger, fuller, or heavier than usual due to increased blood flow and milk production in preparation for breastfeeding the new baby.

Another common breast change that you may experience is breast engorgement. This occurs when the breasts become overfilled with milk, causing them to feel swollen, tight, or painful. Breast engorgement can be uncomfortable, but it usually subsides within a couple of days as your body adjusts to the increased milk production.

Changes in nipple sensitivity can also be observed during pregnancy. Some women may find that their nipples become more sensitive or tender than usual. This can make breastfeeding temporarily uncomfortable, but it typically resolves as the pregnancy progresses.

In addition to tenderness and engorgement, you may notice a change in your breasts’ appearance. The areolas, the darker area around the nipples, might darken and become larger. This darkening is a result of increased hormones and is a common occurrence during pregnancy.


Feeling tired or fatigued is another common symptom that many women experience during pregnancy while breastfeeding. Your body is working hard to provide nourishment to both you and your baby, which can deplete your energy levels. Furthermore, the demanding task of caring for a newborn while still breastfeeding can contribute to feelings of exhaustion.

During pregnancy, you may notice an increase in fatigue compared to your pre-pregnancy state. You might find it more difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep through the night. Additionally, you may wake up feeling less rested, which can lead to decreased energy levels throughout the day.

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While fatigue is a normal part of pregnancy, it is important to take care of yourself and prioritize rest whenever possible. Delegate tasks, ask for help, and try to nap or rest whenever your baby does. Taking care of your own well-being is crucial during this time, as it will benefit both you and your baby.

Nausea and Morning Sickness

Nausea and morning sickness, often associated with early pregnancy, can also occur while breastfeeding. Some women experience feelings of nausea or an unsettled stomach, while others may also vomit. This discomfort is commonly referred to as morning sickness, although it can occur at any time of the day.

If you notice an increase in nausea or vomiting while breastfeeding, it is essential to stay hydrated and maintain a balanced diet. Eating small, frequent meals and avoiding trigger foods or smells that worsen your symptoms can help alleviate nausea. While morning sickness can be unpleasant, it is typically a sign of a healthy pregnancy.

Pregnancy Symptoms While Breastfeeding

Changes in Menstrual Cycle

As a breastfeeding mother, you may have already experienced irregular periods or even a complete absence of menstrual cycles. However, it is important to remember that menstruation can still occur while breastfeeding, and it may even become irregular during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, hormonal changes can cause fluctuations in your menstrual cycle. You may experience irregular periods, where the length of your cycle varies significantly from what you were used to before becoming pregnant. Additionally, you may miss periods altogether, leading to a missed period as one of the early signs of being pregnant while breastfeeding.

Furthermore, the flow of your period may change during pregnancy. It can become lighter or heavier than usual, or you may notice differences in the number of days you bleed. These changes are normal and can be attributed to the hormonal changes occurring in your body.

Mood Swings

The hormonal changes in pregnancy can lead to mood swings and emotional instability. Irritability, sudden bursts of tears, or changes in mood can be common symptoms while breastfeeding during pregnancy. Your body is adjusting to the hormonal fluctuations, coupled with the demands of caring for a newborn, which can contribute to these mood swings.

It is important to communicate your feelings with your loved ones, as they can provide support and understanding during this emotional rollercoaster. Remember to practice self-care, engage in activities that bring you joy, and seek help from healthcare professionals or support groups if needed.

Food Cravings

Cravings for certain foods or unusual food preferences are often associated with pregnancy symptoms. While breastfeeding, these cravings can still occur. You may find that you develop a strong desire for specific foods that you previously had no interest in. Whether it’s savory, sweet, or even unusual combinations, these cravings can be intense and difficult to resist.

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Pregnancy cravings are generally harmless, as long as they do not lead to unhealthy eating habits or excessive weight gain. It is essential to listen to your body’s signals but also make sure to maintain a balanced diet that provides necessary nutrients for both you and your baby.

Frequent Urination

Frequent urination is a symptom that many pregnant women experience, and it can persist while breastfeeding during pregnancy. The hormonal changes in your body increase blood flow to your kidneys, resulting in increased urine production. Additionally, the growing uterus can put pressure on your bladder, leading to a heightened sense of urgency to urinate.

In some cases, frequent urination may be accompanied by urinary incontinence, which is the unintentional leakage of urine. This is more likely to occur during activities such as coughing, sneezing, or laughing. It is important to practice pelvic floor exercises to help strengthen the muscles that control bladder function.

Pregnancy Symptoms While Breastfeeding

Source: TheTechBrain AI

Dizziness and Lightheadedness

Feeling dizzy or lightheaded is another symptom that can occur during pregnancy while breastfeeding. This can be attributed to factors such as hormonal changes, low blood sugar levels, or low blood pressure. If you experience these sensations, it is important to take precautions to prevent falls or accidents.

To alleviate dizziness or lightheadedness, make sure to stay hydrated, eat regular meals, and avoid standing up too quickly from a seated or lying position. If the symptoms persist or become severe, it is important to consult with your healthcare provider for further evaluation.

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Headaches are a common pregnancy symptom and can persist while breastfeeding. They can be caused by hormonal changes, increased blood volume, changes in circulation, or tension from stress or lack of sleep. If you experience headaches, it is important to try to identify potential triggers and take steps to minimize them.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, managing stress, staying hydrated, practicing relaxation techniques, and applying a cold or warm compress to the affected area can help alleviate headaches. However, if your headaches are severe or accompanied by other concerning symptoms, consult your healthcare provider for further evaluation.

Vaginal Discharge

Increased vaginal discharge is a normal occurrence during pregnancy and can continue while breastfeeding. The hormonal changes in your body contribute to increased blood flow to the pelvic area, resulting in an increased production of vaginal discharge. This discharge is typically thin, white, and odorless.

While increased vaginal discharge is usually harmless, it is important to monitor for any changes in color, consistency, or odor. If you experience itching, pain, or noticeable changes in your vaginal discharge, it is recommended to consult with your healthcare provider.


Experiencing pregnancy symptoms while breastfeeding can be an exciting and sometimes overwhelming journey. It is important to remember that while pregnancy symptoms can mimic postpartum symptoms, they are unique to each individual. If you suspect that you may be pregnant while breastfeeding, it is essential to consult with your healthcare provider for appropriate medical guidance and support. They can help differentiate between pregnancy symptoms and postpartum symptoms and provide you with the necessary resources to manage your symptoms while continuing to breastfeed. Remember to prioritize self-care, seek support, and enjoy this remarkable chapter of your life.